Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year & Some Reviews

Happy New Year!

I greatly appreciate all my readers and reviewers.  I thought today I would give you a smattering of what reviewers have been saying about my book.

Thank you to them all!

"The author of this fine little book is new to this reader and this may be a first published book. If so the success of this book that combines fantasy, humor, adventure, scary tales, and rules of conduct by Mahamad Ali ElFakir suggests that we have another fine writer in the genre of entertaining children's book that carry strong messages." ~Grady Harp.

"The author does a great job focusing on a topic most children find themselves in. Not listening to their parents and doing as they are told, as well as lying. This is a problem majority of parents, at one time or another, find themselves in. The author creates a story to show what might possibly happen when you don't listen to your parents and follow the rules. There are consequences to their actions, and though this story embellishes a lot, especially with a bubble coming out of someone's booty and carrying them away, the message is loud and clear." ~Children's Book Reviewer

"This was a pretty cute little story. It teaches kids a very valuable lesson about lying and following the rules. Even though it teaches a lesson, the story is a lot of fun and will have children wanting to read it. The illustrations were a lot of fun as well. I know a few kids who could learn a lesson or two about lying. If only the magical blueberry bubble gum world was real. " ~Schneider Mommy

"There are lessons in this book to be learned about deceit, lies and disobeying your parents. Kids will like this story about a boy named Max that has a blueberry bubble gum bubble blow out the rear of his pajamas sending him flying to an adventure in Blueberry Bubble Gum World where he sees strange creatures. I know for a fact kids will enjoy the book because my young grandkids did crack-up over the story. No pun intended!" ~It's Time To Read MawMaw

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